Prevention Physical Therapy - Personal Injury
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Causes of Injuries

Automobil AccidentsInjuries that occur from automobile accidents tend to cause various injuries secondary to the outside forces acting on your body. These forces can attack your body from any angle. Automobile accidents tend to cause some of the following orthopedic and neurological injuries:

Whiplash injuries to the spine

Muscular strains and spasms

Ligament strains

Fractures to bones

Nerve impingement

Cervical and Lumbar disc protrusion or herniation

Head injury

Traumatic brain injuries

Spinal Cord Injuries

Rotator cuff injuries

These are some of the common injuries that occur during automobile accidents. Unfortunately there may be more injuries that are sustained during automobile accidents. At Prevention Physical Therapy we understand the different effects of car accidents and discuss with you about your pain and difficulty in performing activities. This approach allows us to incorporate your goals with ours in order to develop a treatment approach focused on your return to healthy living.

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Slip & Fall injuries can cause a various amount of orthopedic & neurological injuries. These injuries can also occur anytime and at anyplace from home to work. We want you to know that the therapists at Prevention Physical Therapy will provide the highest standard of care for you during your treatment visits. Since many of these injuries result in muscle strains & ligament sprains it is imperative to begin the rehabilitation process as soon as possible.

The initial visits will be able to control and decrease the inflammatory and pain cycle that begins as soon as the injury occurs. This early intervention by your physical therapist will decrease inflammation thus decreasing the pain that is associated with injuries. The rehabilitation process will follow the below base structure. Since all injuries affect people differently, the below rehabilitation process has a general structure:

  • Initial Evaluation from your Physical Therapist

  • Modalities used to decrease inflammation and pain

  • Patient education on their injury

  • Start initial exercise program for home and office

  • Patient & Therapist goal setting for patient outcomes

  • Weekly reports on progress

  • Continued progress consultations to achieve your goals

  • Final discharge evaluation

This is a base structure and your rehabilitation will involve various amounts of therapy to focus on returning you to your pre-accident or even better state of health.

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Sports injuries can occur to any age group in any sport. From little league players, to weekend warriors, to the world class athletes, injuries have no preference on who they effect. Sports injuries are so common that over 10 million injuries occur each year from sports. These injuries can involve parts of your body to the entire body. Some injuries that occur from sports can be from lack of strength and flexibility to activities that are repeated causing repetitive injuries and chronic effects. Sports injuries must not be taken lightly secondary to the long term effects that can cause irreversible damage to your body.

Physical therapists are your primary care givers when it comes to providing rehabilitation to injuries caused from sports. Physical therapy provides not only the skills to decrease pain and inflammation, but encourage your body to rehabilitate to the highest point possible. This walk through the rehabilitation process will be demonstrated on your visits to Prevention Physical Therapy and allow you to feel the results first hand. Below is a brief list of injuries that Prevention Physical Therapy can rehabilitate for you.

Orthopedic Neurological
ACL Injuries Brachio-plexus injuries (burner or stinger injury)
Meniscus Injuries Disc herniation w/nerve impingement
Muscle Strains Nerve traction injuries
Ligament Sprains: Ankle, knee, elbow, wrist, cervical & lumbar spine Chronic headaches
Tendonitis Sciatica
Rotator cuff tear  

Click here for information on sport specific injuries.

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With more than 5.6 million workers compensation cases reported in the private industry in 2000, our work force is in need of preventive and high quality rehabilitation.* Preventative medicine demonstrates it's importance in reducing lost work days and decreasing worker fatigue. You, as the worker, are approaching this site, most likely, after the fact and have been injured.

Prevention Physical Therapy is specialized in work place and workers compensation rehabilitation. Preston Olson, MPT, CES is a certified ergonomic specialist and master educated physical therapist. Mr. Olson has been extensively trained in performing work hazard analysis and in providing rehabilitation for injured workers from construction, agricultural, industrial, and various other workplaces. Rehabilitation will not only involve returning you to your job healthy, but also providing you the ability to STAY healthy. Rehabilitation will include goals for you to perform your job safely, but also performing your job with the least amount of fatigue possible. Fatigue is the worker's leading cause towards repetitive injuries such as carpal tunnel, tendonitis, and knee & shoulder injuries.

Please visit our industrial and ergonomic department on up-to-date information on worker injuries and rehabilitation by clicking on the link below.

Prevention Physical Therapy Industrial Department

*Data from Bureau of Labor and Statistics 2002

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Post-surgical rehabilitation is a must if you plan on returning to a healthy living after surgical procedures. Surgery is a major step in anyone's life. Prevention Physical Therapy provides pre-surgical consults to begin the strengthening process which will prepare your body for post-surgical rehabilitation. This two step approach will benefit you in the following ways:


Increase strength of muscles before surgery

Increase flexibility to muscles before surgery

Education to you on your surgical procedure & rehabilitation

Education of precautions and contraindications


Rehabilitation for appropriate surgical condition treated

Patient education on precautions and contraindications

Home exercise and office programs

Pain management education and activities

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